Celestial Strings is a musical collaboration formed by Kora player (African harp) Roderick McLeod and Cellist Michael Arvanitakis. Together they create blissful, enchanting music, weaving through a blend of original and traditional compositions, inspired by West African, Eastern and European traditions.
Roderick studied Kora in Senegal and Mali with teachers such as Toumani Diabate and Kane Mathias. He is founder of Full Circle Drumming and Belgrave Creative Space. He offers sound healings, African Drumming events, builds Koras, and teaches percussion at various schools. Roderick is currently performing with various artists and solo at various festivals and events throughout Australia and internationally.
Michael has performed with a variety of acclaimed artists such Gotye, Teskey Brothers, Jeff Lang, Liz Stringer and Sacred Earth. He has had intensive Classical Indian, Jazz and Western Classical training. Michael is currently performing with The Anecdote and shares his knowledge at Little Yarra Steiner and elsewhere.

​​Full Circle Drumming.
Create, Inspire, Have Fun and Drum!